Urban Legend Seven Gates Essay

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Getting lost and accidentally crossing seven particular bridges at the wrong time can take you to grave danger. Whether being superstitious or not, being aware of urban legends told in history could mean a world difference, literally. The urban legend of the seven gates of hell is one prime example. Living in a time where it is not always easy to trust the information given by the media, urban legends and myths seem even less believable. Regardless, all fake stories have some truth in them. Understanding history or the reasons behind a hoax can still be valuable information. The myth of the seven gates is .
The story of the seven gates has a couple different variations since it’s been an urban legend in multiple locations in the United States. One of the places where the myth is told is in Hellam Township, Pennsylvania which had a movie adaptation called Toad Road. Another version of this story takes place in Collinsville, Illinois. The main idea of this phenomena is that if someone goes to 7 specific locations mentioned and go though “the gates” before midnight, they’d get transported to hell. The gates are all bridges along Lebanon Rd., outside of East St. Louis. Most of the bridges can be driven under however some sources found that gates three and four are closed. This is …show more content…

In fact, when searching for “seven gates of hell in Collinsville”, a couple of the pages on that very first page are people who have documented their experiences. None of them state that they were able to get to get the portal, as most people expected. However, there were several factors that could prevent them from finding it. One of them is time; the person needs to enter the gates about midnight to get to the last one right on time. Another source says that there are rumors that the way to enter the gates is in reverse; one must start at the seventh and end with the