Urban Myths: Article Analysis

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Exercise 3
1. Audience: I agree with what the author said about our society coming up with urban myths to personify societies fears. The story about the wedding shows the fear of abandonment and betrayal by someone close to you. I like how the author was also to relate the urban legends to disney movies. I beleive he did this to make the piece more relateable to the reader.
2. I believe that the reason that this article was written was for people to be able to more understand the logic behind urban myths. I used to think that urban myths were just told as a random story that someone heard. However after reading this article it makes sense that our society has these myths.
3. I would describe the authors tone as informative and clear. In the article he has alot of good details and makes his point understood. He is clear, using relateable examples that helps the reader …show more content…

I think that the use of Disney characters makes his point extremely relatable. I have seen all of the movies that he points out and what he says really makes you think about the real purpose of the movies. I think the addition of these titles further validates his stance on urban myths in American society.
5. Since this a newspaper peice, he only is able to add a few short myths. I would have liked to see more myths and explanations so that I could gain a larger perspective on the concept.
6. Yes I agree that urban myths are the modern equivalent of folklore. The difference between the two is that urban myths take events that are more common and then make them diastorious. For example the wedding going completely wrong, but the wedding is a more common occurance.
7. In my life I often suspend my disbelief in the face of logic when I am watching a sports game. If my team isnt winning no matter the score i beieve they will win. I believe this all the way until the game is officially over and they have lost. This disbelief sorts the die hard sports fans from the occasional