Us Home Front During Ww2 Essay

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The US Home Front During WW2

Have you ever wondered what was going on in the US during World War 2? There were many struggles that US faced when the United States of America entered the war. We, as the younger generations would be surprised to learn that the whole country had to help the troops as they fought in this war. Because, of these struggles this generation has been described as the greatest generation.
The first thing that was used was the Peacetime Draft, drafting numbers. All men ages 21 to 35 were required to sign up for the draft(US
Every man had their name put in a capsule and those capsules were put into numerous fishbowls,then the names were drawn from those fishbowls. If an individual did not cooperate when drafted they would be punished with a $50,000 fine and up to 5 years in prison (
After the Peacetime …show more content…

During World War 2 over 65 million women joined the workforce in the US. For many women, that their first job ever outside of their house.
Within the first 2 months of the war the number of women in defense plants rose from 25% to 36% ( Women finally got their first chance to shine in the workforce which eventually lead to men and women having equality.
Materials and weapons were needed in order to make this war a success (US Most cities held scrap metal drives to help build warships and planes. The Navy lost a large amount of battleships due to Pearl Harbor, so they only had fewer than 5,000 vessels going into World War II. Large amounts of war related things like rifles and planes were necessities in order to battle Germany and Japan. In the end, scrap metal was useful because the US didn’t want to get beat by Japan. Some materials that people recycled were: iron, steel,rubber, copper, brass, aluminum, zinc, lead, paper, tin cans, nylon, silk, cooking fats, and rags(US

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