Use Of Situational Irony In The Cask Of Amontillado

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“The Cask of Amontillado” is one of Edgar’s Allen Poe best short narratives with its vengeful characters and eerie and horror-filled atmosphere. The story was published in 1847, to later be known as a classical tale of revenge. Both Fortunato and Montresor were the protagonist and antagonist that kept his short narrative alive and suspenseful to the audience. What also kept his story full of life was what happened to between these characters that made this story revengeful. Though what is revenge? Inflicting vengeance in return of someone’s wrong doing on their hands is what revenge is defined. It can be also defined as Montresor. Montresor seemed to be have been insulted varies times from the high powered and well liked Fortunato, so he vowed revenge. In fact, it had to be a malicious act in which he must exempted from consequences. As well as, Fortunato must not know about it or even suspect a thing, or it will not …show more content…

One form of irony present is situational irony. Situational irony can be defined as expecting one action to happen but the opposite occurs. Poe uses a play of words in a way a few times throughout. The title itself hints us the plot of the story. “The Cask of Amontillado” contains the word “cask” which is means a barrel of wine. The word casket also comes from the same word which refers to death, which is what ultimately happens to the antagonist after he thought he would be tasting the fine wine. Another example is in the name of the antagonist. His name Fortunato in Italian is “fortunate”. Though there was nothing fortunate of what happened to him. A well-known and likable man was lead to death with not a clue of what he was getting into. Fortunato, wearing his “tight-fitting parti-striped dress” and “conical caps and bells” (Schakel 528), is assumed to be a jester. Jester typically are known to be a humorous, but his loss of life is no