Using Military Operational Variables In Understanding Saudi Arabia's Culture

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The Prophet Muhammad is a name every soldier is familiar with due to the continuing war in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The birth place of the Prophet Muhammad, is however from neither of those countries. The Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia; which is where all devout Muslims turn towards to pray five times a day. Saudi Arabia’s culture is vast and ever changing like many other countries. Judging a whole country based on their culture is unfair and bias. The United States Army uses military operational variables to understand a countries culture. There are eight functions to fully utilize the operational variables. In order to help the reader understand Saudi Arabia’s culture in a broader perspective it will be broken down …show more content…

Saudis who accept and practice Islam are Muslim. There are two holy places within Saudi Arabia. The birth place of the Prophet Muhammad, Mecca, and where the Prophet Muhammad took refuge after being exiled, Medina. The King of Saudi Arabia is also referred to as the guardian of the two holy cities. Being referred to in such a matter by the public can give a brief understanding how much religion comes in to affect. Saudi Arabia has two complete sides of the spectrum when it comes to tourists and visitors in their country. Any foreigner will undergo great scrutiny. Foreigners will either be labeled infidel or be welcomed with great care and hospitality. Towards the more populated urban modernized cities; Riyadh, Jeddah, Dhahran-Damman-Al-Khobar, nationals are much more acceptable to any visitors of their country. Saudi men and women continue to wear the same traditional clothes that they have worn in the past. For men that would include an ankle length cotton white shirt, thawb. The headgear men wear, kaffiyeh, is a broad piece of cloth held together by camel’s hair. Women wear the same shirt but also wear loose fitting slacks and a veil to cover their face, having only their eyes visible. Cuisine in Saudi Arabia receives its roots from its surrounding countries; Turkey, Persia, and Africa. Many Islamic food customs are adhered to. Saudi citizens do not eat pork and have special …show more content…

The petroleum sector accounts for roughly 87% of budget revenues, 42% of GDP, and 90% of export earnings. Currently Saudi Arabia is devising ways to involve the youth nationals to join the workforce. Saudi Arabia currently has over six million foreign workers occupying the oil field and service sectors. Due to the currently low oil prices Saudi Arabia is drastically looking for ways to diversify their country’s revenue. Saudi Arabia is looking to grow its port trade revenue by building a new port city, King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC), located on the shore of the Red Sea. According to Elliot, H (2018) Al Rasheed is overseeing the creation of KAEC, a port and manufacturing city on the Red Sea that, it is hoped, will boost Saudi's trade relations with the rest of the world. Apart from the urban economy, the rural economy is still thriving. For the citizens that live outside the major cities, their main source of income comes from farming and livestock. The Saudi government has helped the self-employed farms tremendously by subsidizing areas, providing deep wells for irrigation as well as agricultural expertise and veterinary assistance for the farms. While the economy is attempting diversity. Attempting to change from the past to help the overall economy to help better the country, the political process is much the same as it was in the late 20th

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