
Utilitarian Argument For Compulsory Vaccination

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Utilitarian believe that any act we perform may have many consequences. The question we have to ask our self is the action we are about to perform is it for pleasure or pain and overall would that pleasure be outweighed by the pain cause to others and yourself. As a utilitarian you have to ask yourself what would the consequences be will it be in terms of pain vs pleasures and who will be most affected. I think that Utilitarian argument for compulsory vaccination would be justifiable simply because compulsory vaccination would protect our society from harmful diseases. Compulsory vaccination prevent life threatening illnesses it protect us when we are traveling to other countries, and most healthcare professional belive in their …show more content…

compulsory vaccination not only provides benefits to the person being vaccinated but also to the society that we live. A utilitarian would say not being vaccinated would cause more harm than good to our community. Before vaccination thousands of people died every year from disease such as MMR, Diphtheria, Pertussis Poliomyelitis and many others . As vaccines were developed and became widely used, rates of these diseases declined until today most of them are nearly gone from countries around the world. Utilitarian argument for compulsory vaccination would be for the greater good to all. The purpose would be to institute a universal vaccination to control and eventually prevent outbreaks that are major cause of death, morbidity and mortality around the world. Even though compulsory vaccination would protect our society from harmful disease many have argued that it may have harmful effects associated with its benefits. One of the argument a Utilitarian might have is the adverse side effects. Many societies has blame vaccines for causing mental retardation which includes autism. Some people argue that vaccinations are not as effective, whereas some people are more susceptible than others and it is not possible to eradicate all

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