
Utopian Society Research Paper

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Over the course of history, the human race has attempted relentlessly to fabricate a society worth being proud of. Attempting to achieve such a feat has lead numerous people to commit countless acts of malevolence with the belief that their reasoning is just. That begs the question: Is the creation of a utopian society possible so long as the human race exists? Since eradicating humanity is not a possibility, one has no choice but to try just once more. In order to produce a successful utopia, an individual must meticulously string together the most optimal features of past nations, real as well as fictional. This paradise will contain the advantages of six aspects: government; environment; children and education; economics, work, and leisure; health and medicine; and law, crime, and punishment.
Fundamentally, peace cannot thrive unless there is someone governing war. And if a sole being must burden themselves with the worst, they deserve the best also. Appropriately, a dictatorship is the only government suitable for the …show more content…

After all, the price of an MRI is anywhere between $1,000 and $3,000. (How Much Does That MRI Cost, Really? Massachusetts Shines a Light) Citizens of Somniare Terra are provided with sufficient medical attention free of charge regarding conditions and injuries that are not self-inflicted only. For example, those who develop lung cancer due to decades of cigarette abuse or those who partake in irrational stunts in chase of a thrill are expected to manage their expenses out of pocket. Countries such as Canada, Switzerland, and Australia have adopted a similar system.( Roy, Conservative Think Tank: 10 Countries With Universal Healthcare That Have Freer Economies Than The U.S.) No human being should resort to drowning themselves in debt solely to live another day. Furthermore, human life is priceless; it should not be pawned through

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