V For Vendetta

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In this essay I will be discussing my personal opinion on V for Vendetta. This story unfolds about a shy, fearful girl named Evey Hammond who embarks on a journey filled with rebellion and revenge alongside the freedom fighter, V, who helps Evey transform into a fearless lady with strong beliefs. Together, they stand up against the Norsefire party, who lead a controlling, totalitarian and fascist government. Whilst doing they spread their beliefs throughout London's population and eventually everyone takes a stand against Chancellor Sutler as they fight for freedom. This visual text explores rebellion, dystopian society's, revenge, totalitarianism and rebirth. The main character is Evey Hammond, who undergoes a dramatic change as V tortures …show more content…

He is a mysterious, skilled and clever freedom fighter who rebels against the norsefire party as he fights for freedom of the people after experiencing first-hand how unfair the government is when he undergoes cruel experimentation that backfires and he is turned into a superhuman. He uses his superhuman abilities to his advantage as he rebels against the totalitarian, fascist and controlling government in power and eventually this helps the residents of london to realise that there is hope of freedom and this quickly spreads among the people who join V and overthrow the Norsefire party, who share similar views to the Nazi party who also ran a totalitarian government. “ When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty,” this quote explains Vs view on what he is doing and it also reveals the reasoning behind his actions. I admire V because everything he does is in the best interest of the people and this shows when he lets Evey pull the lever, which would blow up the government buildings thus symbolising the defeated and falling government. By letting Evey pull the lever he proves that he wants the people to decide the future of london, which is eventually reborn like Evey. Vs collaboration with Evey is important to the film for many reasons. Firstly, when he tortures evey he sets her free from all fears and changes her from a shy girl to a strong, …show more content…

These are used constantly throughout V for Vendetta through V, Evey, Gordon and the Government. The film accuses the honesty of the news and it implies that the news’ main role is to distract us from important matters. This relates to modern day news because they alter the stories to suit the government's liking, which ensures they are not criticized and only good things are spread about them. This is very evident in countries like North Korea where kim jong un limits his people from certain information, which could jeopardise his dictatorship and ruin how koreans think of him. The news is actually a very powerful weapon because everyone watches and believes it and so it is easy to brainwash people through it. The government in V for Vendetta constantly lie and they used these to gain power and to sustain it. They manipulate what we think and because everyone trusts them they exploit this and eventually everyone thinks Chancellor Sutler is a God just like kim jong un. Evey also lies in this film as she attempts to escape V when she promises to help him but instead she gives him up to Bishop Lilliman before V kills him. Another person who lies is V but instead he uses this to tell Evey the truth when he tortures her, which sets her free of fear and shows her first hand how unfair the norsefire party are.“ artists use lies to tell the truth. Politicians use them to cover it up.” Gordon Deitrich, the TV presenter also uses