Vaccinate All Children Argumentative Essay

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The Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015 bill was introduced as a bill of protection. The bill states that all children in elementary and middle school must be vaccinated against disease. There are currently a lot of debates over its authorization – worried parents that say no, and medical professionals that say yes. The passing of this bill will create a generation free of disease.
How the Bill Came to Be
Introduced on May 1st by Frederica Wilson, the Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015 is causing major controversy. Wilson believes it is the best thing to do for the future generations of America. Children who are not vaccinated put others at risk of preventable diseases. Children who do not get vaccinated are proven more susceptible to these …show more content…

Of all the branches of modern medicine, vaccinology can claim to be the one that has contributed most to the spectacular increase in life expectancy in the last two centuries. Currently, it is estimated that immunization saves the lives of 3 million children a year but 2 million more lives could be saved by existing vaccines.
The Science Behind Why Vaccines Help
Some scientists estimated the population-wide benefits of routinely vaccinating US children against influenza. Vaccination of 20% of children would reduce the total number of influenza cases in the US by 46%; 80% coverage would reduce the total number of cases by 91%. Similar reductions were estimated to occur in influenza-related mortality and economic costs.
Why Some Parents Are Against It
A number of parents fear the government forcing them to vaccinate their children. These parents are anti-vaccine for a variety of reasons. Parents built their arguments against immunization on the strength of the naturally acquired immune system. Childhood diseases were not perceived as a threat but as part of the natural way to reinforce the body. Parents understood immunization as an artificial intrusion into the natural development of the immune system. Other parents believe they should be able to make health care decisions for their child on their own terms. They view it as a loss of freedom to not dictate what is injected into their children’s bodies. While these parents