Vaccination Pros And Cons

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In the current society, medical advancements are being developed on a daily basis. These medicals advancements, such as vaccinations, are health foundations many Americans rely on for immunity against certain diseases such as measles, polio, and tetanus. Vaccinations have proven to efficiently increase the overall health of an individual. In the recent years, there has been great debate over the benefits and detriments of vaccines. Like every breakthrough in medicine, the concept of an advancement in the medical field results in many being skeptical of these new changes. Although the opposition may state that the effects of vaccinations are detrimental, research has found that vaccinations are beneficial in terms of cost, immunization, and …show more content…

The affordable cost of vaccines has provided vaccinations for many lower income families. For example, the New York times article, “Low Prices For Vaccinations Can Come at a Great Cost”, mentions, “Vaccine prices are held down by government programs, which extend vaccinations to millions of children who might not otherwise get them. “ The government has in fact played a major in lowering budget cuts for many vaccinations. Allowing many in poverty to get vaccinated, reducing the cost of vaccines is beneficial to society. On the other hand, many critics have argued the fact that vaccines have increased in costs over the years. In the recent years, the development and advancement of vaccines has led to a doubled price. Vaccines have been found to have excessive prices that are unaffordable to many. According to the New York Times article, “The Price of Prevention: Vaccine Costs are Soaring”, it states, ““Vaccination prices have gone from single digits to sometimes triple digits in the last two decades, creating dilemmas for doctors and their patients as well as straining public health budgets. “ Due to the ascending price, vaccinations …show more content…

Herd immunity, also known as community immunity, means that when a critical portion of a population is vaccinated against a contagious disease, it is unlikely that an outbreak of the disease will occur. Vaccinations lead to herd immunity, therefore providing protection against the disease for all members of the community. As U.S. department of Health and Human Services mentions in the article, “Vaccines Work”, “Community immunity protects everyone. But it’s especially important because some people can’t get vaccinated for certain diseases — such as people with some serious allergies and those with weakened or failing immune systems (like people who have cancer, HIV/AIDS, type 1 diabetes, or other health conditions).” Herd immunity is found to be beneficial to everyone in the community. Not only can it help those who are unable to get vaccinated, but it also supports those who struggle from fatal conditions. Providing a compromise of health for everyone in the community, herd immunity from vaccines is beneficial to society as a whole. On the contrary, the opposition contends that natural infections are more effective than vaccinations. Infections provide a natural way to boost one’s immune system, making one less prone to other diseases in the future. According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, the article “Vaccine Safety: Immune System and Health”, states, “It is true that natural infection

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