Valley Forge Should I Re-Enlist

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Valley Forge: Should I Re-enlist Our men our dying off and I don’t know if we can bare these conditions much longer. It is the winter of 1777, and General Washington has quartered us at Valley Forge. Many of our men are deserting us or their re-enlistment point is arriving shortly. My decision point of March 1st is approaching quickly too and many of my fellow soldiers are asking me if I am going to re-enlist for another 9 months. I was a tough decision, but I have decided to reenlist. I want to re-enlist because the my country, General Washington and the Army need help, we have shelter, and I, like almost everyone else, want freedom from Britain. One reason I have decided to reenlist is that General Washington, the Army, and my country need my help. General Washington is having trouble holding the Army together. Our men are afraid and have started to desert the camp we have set up here at Valley Forge. So if I stay, it might encourage the other soldiers to re-enlist too. Congress hasn’t been any help either. They don’t even trust General Washington anymore, but he’s one of the few Generals who was actually …show more content…

I mean our food supply is low, we have no actual beds, there is no ventilation in the huts and they are probably missing and worrying about their families, but our country needs as much help as it can get and I would rather stay and possibly die to win my country’s, the colonists and my family’s freedom than just stay at home doing nothing and let everyone else do it for me. If we work together and don’t give up I am almost positive we can make it through this winter and other trying times in this war and throughout the rest of our lives. Therefore, I strongly believe my fellow soldiers should re-enlist also because if we work together we can win this thing and have have our freedom once and for

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