Should Child Soldiers Get Amnesty Essay

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Imagine being a young child in a once peaceful village but now a war zone. Your parents are gone, but hopefully not dead(it's what you tell yourself at night). But, it's not doing any good for your home. People are dying left & right all around you. So, you make your plan for survival very quick & decide to join the army. Only three days in and you’re killing. Just not your people- this is revenge for your home. Child Soldiers should NOT receive amnesty(political pardon) unless proven within a year or two of therapy. In an article by Sebastian Solorzano(Seb) which says how child soldiers don’t deserve amnesty, ‘Child Soldiers Should Not Receive Amnesty.’ When Child Soldiers go into the army, they are “often choosing to kill their own family to be accepted.” This is their conscious decision to shoot or stab their family members to just go into the war. With them killing their family members, what makes us think that they won’t hesitate to kill strangers who never spoke to them, never raised them- It’s just too much of a dangerous risk to take. But, was it really a conscious decision? As a child, would you have the mental capacity to KNOW what war is about? What is actually happening in the war- children could not possibly comprehend the entirety of the war without some …show more content…

“...Jordy isn’t much taller than the gun he carried as a child soldier. ‘It was a way to protect myself, and it was a way to survive.’ Said Jordy.” It was a way to survive. They may not have understood the war, but they needed a way to survive without getting killed and joining the nearest army was their only choice. Think about it: Would you rather be struggling to survive as a child with no family and no one to show you compassion or would you rather go into the army as a child and have some chance at survival with