Velasco Letter Analysis

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Velasco Letter The letter is written by Viceroy Luis de Velasco the second viceroy of New Spain. A Viceroy was someone who held power and authority over some of New Spain at this period. The letter is written for King Charles, and this brings much importance to this letter due to it being a direct letter and one to the monarchy. The letter is rather a private and direct letter intended only for King Charles this is another factor in the importance of the letter. The reason there is much significance to the private letter is because it is only between the two, whereas this would be less so had there been more recipients. There is also the showing of superiority during the letter as Velasco consistently refers to King Charles as “Your Majesty”. …show more content…

Velasco clearly would not have wrote the letter had he not felt it necessary. The reason he wrote the letter is because he feels something needs changing and feels he wants his voice to be heard. Velasco although trying to get his point across while still attempting to show King Charles is still superior because it would be a criminal offense to disobey or bad mouth the King. The document is clearly a letter due to the direct approach of text “Your Majesty” he is writing directly to him. His story has specifically chosen words to impact the point he is making. He uses this to get his point across. He tells the King of the ongoings although the King does not know for sure, he does very much trust that Velasco is truthful. He carefully chooses the things to discuss that he wants to discuss and deliberately points out parts that need changing. The basic assumption I get from this letter is Velasco feels undervalued and feels he should have more power. I also get the feeling that Velasco believes he has great ideas about the running of Spain but does not believe the King will implement them due to the King having overall