Venn Diagrams In Brave New World

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1. Alpha: The highest caste in the system, typically conditioned to be intelligent and are given higher jobs than other castes. 2. Beta: Second highest caste in the system, they can interact with the Alphas and aren’t looked down upon, unlike the lower castes. 3. Caste: The classes in society, in Brave New World it determines what job you have and what identity the government gives to you. 4. Conditioning: It’s a process of when a person is prepared for their caste and line of work. 5. Decanting: The pouring of embryos out of what they were originally created in. Equivalent of being “born in a test tube”. 6. Dystopian: An imaginary society where everything is the opposite of what we would dream of it to be. Also the genre of Brave New World. 7. Delta: Ranked fourth in the caste system, typically conditioned to …show more content…

Euphoria: The feeling of joy and happiness, people in World State typically take Soma to feel this way. 10. Ford: Person considered the “god” of the World State. Relates to the society because Ford was the one who developed mass production and the assembly line. 11. Gamma: The average caste in the system. Somewhat intelligent, could be considered the service or hospitality caste. 12. Hedonism: The thought that pleasure is the most important thing. The only feeling is full of delight. 13. Hypnopedia: Sleep teachings to further condition the brain of an individual for their caste. 14. Pneumatic: In Brave New World, the figure of curves of a woman’s body. 15. Predestination: The state of where an individual is made specifically for their caste. Chosen for their future job. 16. Savage Reservation: Where the individuals that are located there are not considered “civilized” and lack resources the individuals in the World State have. 17. Solidarity Service: Like a church service where the people connect by worshipping Ford. 18. Soma: The drug that calms and removes any negative feeling from the brain. Consumed by the majority of the population of the World