Vibrant Valley Medical Home Case Study

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TO: Board of Director, Vibrant Valley Medical Home
FROM: Philemon Mugisha, Intercultural Accord Unlimited Consultant
DATE: December, 22nd, 2015
SUBJECT: Intercultural Difference between China and United States


Globalization is the way countries get connected in different ways such as culture, business, education, etc. On the other hand, localization is the act of keeping products or services in one location without exposing them to the outside environment. These terms are important as Vibrant Valley Medical Home will need to decide which products or services to be globalized or localized.

Hofstede’s 6 dimensions

In the research conducted by Geert Hofstede to evaluate the impact of value on culture, he elaborated six important …show more content…

Restraint: The culture with high indulgence score has people who have high level of freedom and who are free to have fun in the community. While, the culture with high restraint score is made of people who set general ground rules on how people should not exceeds their limits while having fun in the community.
It is important to understand the 6 dimensions of Geert Hofstede because they all give a thorough analysis of different cultural characteristics and how they influence their expectations, behaviors and their approaches to problem solving. For example, it will help Vibrant Valley Medical Home to understand how people have different levels of motivation of achieving goals than others. All the 6 dimensions will generate a clear understanding of different cultures from different …show more content…

The above graph in summary shows that:
• Power Distance Index
Power Distance Index of China is higher than United States’ by 40. This implies that the number of people without high power in the society who agree and realize that there is uneven distribution of power among the society is higher in China compared to the United States. In other words, Chinese are okay with inequality in powers than Americans.
• Individualism
United States has very high individualism score compared to China which means that people in the United States strive to serve themselves than in China.
• Masculinity
United States and China are close to each other on masculinity score which means that the extent at which people feel superior is about the same in both countries. This means that people in both countries consider them on about the same level. There is no big difference of people who feel very superior compared to others in the two countries.
• Uncertainty Avoidance
Uncertainty Avoidance is high in the United States (46) compared to China (36). This means that people in the United States like to have more accurate and precise information about the