Vice In The Odyssey

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In "The Adventures of Odysseus and The Tale of Troy" the author presents acts of virtue and vice, describing a range of human behaviors that shape the author's path(question 1). Throughout the text characters such as Odysseus show acts of courage, determination, and loyalty. For example when Odysseus and his men had to escape from Polyphemus the Cyclops. Odysseus showed bravery and intelligence. Penelope,Odysseus' wife, also had acts of virtue by showing great loyalty towards Odysseus. Many people told her Odysseus was likely dead and she should remarry but she kept her loyalty towards her husband and believed one day he would return. Conversely, the author does not avoid acts of vice, Achellies was a character who showed many acts of vice …show more content…

The author portrays human beings and the nature of man as complex creatures with different personalities, vices, and virtues. Odysseus, the central character, is brave and determined but he also has flaws such as pride and impatationce. The book emphasizes the importance of actions and character. Aside from the nature of man, the author makes assumptions about God. The author assumes a polytheistic worldview, meaning there is more than one god. The book is infused with the belief that powerful gods and goddesses interfere with moral beings. The author describes family as loyalty. Odysseus' quest to return home to his family shows his great devotion towards his wife and son. Penolope shows her loyalty by longing to be reunited with her husband and refusing to get remarried. Society in the book is reflected on ancient Greek values and norms. Guests are expected to be treated with respect and generosity. Social herosity, honor, and hospitality play important roles. The book does not discuss how the world was created, however it assumes gods and goddesses preside over nature and existence. The author does not focus on creation myths, the focus is primarily on the adventures of the …show more content…

Peter, after he read this book we would discuss how the book has a polythetic view compared to Catholic beliefs.(question 7) We would also talk about virtues and vices emphasizing on how morals have troubles with sin. Reflecting on his own journey of faith and difficulties, we would also talk about the lessons of faith and trust in the book similar to when Penelope put her trust in Odysseus and had faith he would return. We would compare St. Peter's journey of faith as well as Odysseus' journey of faith. We would talk about the importance of our faith in God just how Penelope put her faith in Odysseus. Aside from faith we would talk about the importance of forgiveness and second chances. St.Peter experienced forgiveness from God when he had denied him three times. Odyesseus had traveled across many different cultures and societies, we would talk about how we could spread the gospel and not let temptation lead us into the wrong