
Vices: Miron Analysis

416 Words2 Pages
subsection{Vice} Vices are widely regarded as being undesirable within societies cite{5}. Miron defines the vices: drugs, alcohol, prostitution, gambling, and guns. Restrictions on these vices, Miron argues, do more harm than the vices themselves cite{5}. Miron substantiates his claim by stating that it is the accepted view of most libertarians cite{5}. Miron follows it up by stating: egin{quote} emph{The best thing to do is let people and society make their own decisions.} cite{5} end{quote} Miron begins with a discussion on drug prohibition. Miron tackles two popular arguments that suggest prohibition --- drug use is bad, and prohibition reduces drug use cite{5}. Miron categorizes three different perspectives on the
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