Victim Of Identity Theft Essay

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Have you ever been a victim of identity theft? Identity theft is one of the number one crimes in the U.S. in this paper I will be discussing some personal issues of identity theft. Also I will stating some facts about identity theft. I will also tell you can stop Identity theft. Identity theft is a huge issue in the U.S. right now.
I have been a victim of identity theft. I have been hit about three times. The first time was on my bank of America card I was in college in Mississippi. Bank of America called me and told me that there have been some insignificant charges on my account that was when I canceled my card and ordered a new one. The second time was on my higher one card I was checking my account transactions and I saw that somebody charged an EHarmony account to my card it was a sixty …show more content…

After they did the investigation and found out that I didn’t make the transaction they ended putting the money back in my account. The third time was when I got a bill from ITunes via Email. The bill said that I owed ten dollars not only did the person have my card information they got my ITunes information as well. This ended up being on my higher one card. I called higher one and ended up canceling the card I didn’t order a new one because there wasn’t that much money on there anyway. After that I called ITunes and they told me that I had to pay the money then call them to get my money back if I didn’t the transaction. To this day I still don’t have my apps on my IPod and I can’t read half my books on IBook’s because I haven’t paid the ten dollars yet. Another case happened with my mom. One morning I woke up and my mom got a call from her bank saying that they cut off her card based on insignificant funds. When the bank told her her transactions it turns out somebody from New York got her card information and started ordering stuff like pizza, and cell phones and a whole bunch of stuff just messing up her account. They ordered a hundred dollars’ worth