Analysis Of The Poem 'The Soldier' By Rupert Brooke

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In the early 1900s the modernist believed that their art should show the true nature of society and the world that the Victorian society never allowed anyone to see. The extreme advancement of technology and medical science that was created during the industrial revolution sent the world into a massive shift to people going from having strict religious views, along with being taught how to act and dress. To have varying religious views and dressing and acting in ways that have never been seen before with new hairstyles and clothing that were considered to be offensive and horrible. This amount of change in such a short period of time considering that humans aren 't inherently good at handling change lead to that feeling of being alone in a …show more content…

In this poem Rupert writes about a British soldier that is about to leave to serve in the war and he begins to describe the soldier 's feelings about death and how dying for your country especially England, is an extremely noble and honorable way to die. This title is appropriate for the poem because it describes the feelings of a soldier who believes that he is doing the right thing in fighting for his country. If he does not come back, he wants people to remember him as a person who fought and died for his country. In the first couple lines, we can see that the soldier talks about how he wants the reader to think of him “ If I should die, think only this of me” this line, particularly stands out because he is basically saying that he will not return from the war. He then goes on and talks about how they should not mourn his death and “That there 's some corner of a foreign field That is forever England.”. When he says this I believe he is saying that when he died that he will have left a monument in England that will stay there forever and remind people of the sacrifice he made to serve his country. After the soldier explaining that he wants his grave to represent England, he then starts to talk about how when his dead body is in the soil of England which he describes to be much richer and shows his Victorian age attitude that England is better than everybody. Then the soldier seems to think of England as a true mother towards him and how she shaped and created the man that he is today and that 's why he was willing to die for her “ In that rich earth a richer dust concealed; A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,”. After he shows this mother-son type love, he then talks about the beauty that England poses with its marvelous land features, clean air, and how “Washed by the rivers, its blessed by the suns of home”. These lines almost seem to be a religious belief with being washed by the rivers