Video Game Is Bad For Me Research Paper

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Did Game Really Bad For Us Now, with the development of technology, more and more video game has been create. Everyone use technology in life. In US 97% children play video game, game influence very big, many information are spread by game. With video game development and widely, people use more and more, lot of question come. Will people act game? Will people think the world in a game way? Will game cause violent? But some video game cause real violent event happened, and lot of real discover happened, people star to question the video game, some people think video game will cause problem for lot of things. But really, did game really bad for us? Lot of people said long time playing video game will cause grade get down, many parents always …show more content…

A boy—Roman Rivera is a 21 years old student, and now he was study I university of Chicago, the best university in that place. He was a “A” student I school. A great student a great boy, isn’t it? But he was also a crazy game lover, he play video game 4 hour per day, when he was a kid he always play game secret in bed time. Lot of people wonder. He play game 4 hour each day how can he be a good student. Some scientist also do the research about he and other people. Roman Rivera said game really help he to go the university, video game make he interest in more things, it have also make him smarted. Scientist result and discover that gams help better brain power and game help you make better decisions, also help you don’t eat too much. A professor at university of Rochester in New York said “ It seems to have really interesting positive effects.” Scientist find 3 result about it, one people don’t eat to much when they play the game, that is because when they are focus on the game, …show more content…

Second in video game is outlet of angry feeling so that will reduce crime. But lot of true things happened, give a example, 2007 Virginia tech shooting event. Government began to see this things. Lot of game are being public outcry like “ Death Race” “Motal konbat” “Night Trap” this game will be public outcry, government give a rule for game is called ESRB, this is a level for game, is have 9 level for is—Early children, tech, everyone, mature, everyone 10+, adults only. But there still have lot of children play the violet game , they think more youth violent crime will be increase. But actually the result shows is not. From 1994~2014, game sales increase more that 200%, durning the same time youth suicide down 70% and also violent crime rate dropped down 37%. As game being more sophisticated and realistic, the debate about violet game was