Video Game Stereotypes

1851 Words8 Pages

Peterson weatherford
M Blair
English III
April 8 2015

Video games good for you or bad
Many people think that video games are bad for you and in some cases they may be right. But this is the truth behind all the stereotypes. I really hate the stereotypes like video games rot your brain, they make people anti-social, that games make people more violent, even the idea that all people that play games are fat and unhealthy. Liston up because this is why video games are actually good for you! so stereotype number one (video games rot your brain). Now then so many people say video games rot your brain. That’s funny I heard they said the same thing when they invented tv! I mean come on every time a new form of electronically interment comes along those people jump on. “oh my god that thing is making people stupid!” come on now just shut up. Every time people say that it ends up being proven wrong. According to Bavelier, who also holds a joint appointment at the University of Geneva, our brains keep predicting what will come next—whether when listening to a conversation, driving, or even preforming surgery. “In order to sharpen its prediction skills, our brains constantly build models, or ‘templates,’ of the world,” she …show more content…

There are many types of games but I am only going to cover the good ones. So lets start with my faverit action adventur. Action adventures can improve the way you think and open up your mind to diffrint ways of thinking. They can affect the way you deal with differint situations in the real world. Like using the things in your sournding to your advatige. I am not talking about rulers ladder or tools I am talking about your surondings things you cant move but can use to your advantage. For an exsample I got a remote control airplain stuck in a tree and I couldn’t knock it you. So I climbed the tree next to it and jump over to it. That’s just one of the many ways to use