
Viola Twelfth Night

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In Act 1, Valentine goes to visit Viola, but is denied entrance. However he recieves word that Olivia will not show her face to anyone for the preceeding 7 years, in memory of her brother who passed away. Duke Orsino doesn't let this stop him, if anything it urges him on like a challenge, he say “Oh, if she loves her brother this much, think how she'll love me when I finally win her over and make her forget all her other attachments! Her mind and heart will be ruled by one man alone-me!” This statement clearly states Orsino's cockiness and self pride, also shows how he sees Olivia has “meat” or “ a game.” Viola is traveling on a boat that is currently near illyria, she has never been to Illyria nor did she recognize it. Viola fears for …show more content…

The news provided Olivia some hope, causing her to crack a smile, a smile covered in the fear that her brother was fighting for her life and probably would drown at sea. Olivia now given small hope paid the captain gold for his information. Olivia begins looking around the sland. It is a sandy beach and cliffs lay around them. She asked if the captain had seen or been to this island before, he had. He was born less than 3 hours away from the island in which they were abandond on.Olivia intrigued asked who was the ruler of his home place. The captain informed her it was a noble duke named Orsino. Olivia recalled hearing about Orsino from her father, she recalled hearing her dad refer to Orsino as a bachelor. The captain said he still was a bachelor as of the month before. However rumors were as rampant as ever that Orsino was going to start courting the beautiful Ophelia. A respected women young in …show more content…

With the loss of her brother Ophelia stated that she didn't want to be courted anymore as she was done with men, their very presence. Viola admired Olivia for this action and wished she could work for Olivia, because Viola didn't know the person she was yet. She knew she wanted to be pleasant, courtesus, calm tempered, etc. But there were so many other character traits in which she hadn't embraced yet. The captain stated to Olivia that working under Ophelia would be a hard pressed duty because not even the Orsino's messengers were allowed to glance at her. Viola contrapts a plan. She says captain you seem like a nice man but looks can be conviecing, wat she means by this is that looks are deceptive your face, hair, etc, doesn't determine you character. She ask the captain for his help saying she will pay him, if he doesn't give out her identity, help her with disguses, introduce eunuech to Orsino. She follows by saying that she can sing so Orsino will be pleased with her services. The captain agrees, and promises to not tell anyone of Viola's true identity. We are introduced to Sir Toby Belch, Olivia's cousin. We quickly infer that he is drinks a lot of alchohol, stays out late into the night, is fairly stubborn and rowdy by

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