Violence In Gabriel Garcia Márquez's Chronicle Of A Death Foretold

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Gabriel García Márquez’s Chronicle of a Death Foretold is an effective portrayal of socio-political and cultural reality of 1950’s Colombia. The book depicts the events occurring following Angela Vicario’s premarital sex and violent death of the victim, Santiago Nasar, by Angela’s brothers. Through the depiction of imprudent and violent deeds presented by Marquez, a vicious tone is notable, as well as through the precise narrative style. The imagery of knives, blood, nature of death, report of the autopsy and more, portray some of the major themes. The three themes: honor, religion, and the subjugation of women are emphasized through the detailed and direct portrayal prior to the murder, during the murder, and the autopsy following the murder. …show more content…

This stresses the persistent violence in the society; “with such stealth” (28), as well as a reflection of the role of women who often have to suffer in silence, as supported previously by Horetensia Baute. Aside from violence as punishment, Márquez utilizes vocabulary of control and subjugation to illustrate sexual violence. This is evident in Santiago imposing himself on Victoria Guzman- “the time has come for you to be tamed” he told her. 
Victoria Guzman showed him the bloody knife” (5). This exemplifies the belligerent tone of the character. This statement shows how males have the freedom to do what they wish to with females, using their superiority. However, Guzman immediately refers to the bloody knife, which shows the simplicity of violent acts. Guzman does not express her emotion, yet shows the knife, which acts as a symbol of refusal, juxtaposed with the true purpose of the knife- to undo a sin. This might also be the reason why Guzman acts violently the morning of the murder, “quartering three rabbits for lunch” (5) and “ on the stove” (5), as an act of revenge. It should also be noted that Màrquez constantly refers to animals, which serves as a metaphor that Santiago was treated like an animal, and thus being