Virginia Tech Shooting Prevention Essay

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On April sixteenth, 2007, havoc was caused as a Virginia Tech College student began to fire an armed weapon at countless innocent students. Within five hours, thirty-three are dead, including the gunman. School shootings are becoming more and more common within society, and are tragic acts of violence that are both unnecessary and able to be prevented. With the concept of such violent acts, school shootings are defined, according to the United States secret service as an act of violence via shooting where educational institutions are deliberately selected as the location for an attack. An event such as the Virginia Tech shooting encompasses the act of selecting a location for the event of an armed attack that will potentially injure or kill …show more content…

These preventative actions can be taken in classrooms as well as in administrative bodies with different methods. For example, some methods for preventing a violent school shooting are to teach social and emotional ways of coping, which will allow students to relieve themselves from stressors that could cause violent actions and anger, as well as doctors should assess the mental health state of their patients for each visit, which will ensure that schools will be informed on whether students are facing a conflict mentally. Moreover, one other aspect that could allow a school shooting to be prevented is for parents to be actively involved in a student’s life and understand the factors that cause a person to be contemplating taking the lives of others via a school shooting. According to, “Overall, 1 in every 20 victims of fatal mass shootings in the United States from 2006 to 2015 were killed in Virginia.” This amount could be greatly reduced if preventative action was taken.All actions listed are viable ways to prevent a school shooting and are crucial to implement to potentially save