Virtue Ethics And American Politics

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Initially, before taking this course, I assumed when you combined the words ethics and politics, it equated in an oxymoron. Still, while American Politics remains anything but a moral profession, this class made me challenge my personal beliefs and how I view the world. For the first assignment, I said that the only goal I had in society was the betterment of myself, my family and my community. That has not changed, but what has, is my idea of the role morality plays for me personally. What has always bothered in terms of ethics is the question: what good are morals if they prevent you from getting ahead? In the absence of religion, what motivation is there to “do good?” I still haven’t completely figured that out, but from this course, I …show more content…

Virtue, stems from personal character. Personal character effects the loved ones around you. Furthermore, the development as a person, a least in my case, should be a reflection of those who raised me and instilled values in me from a young age. I am the product of my parents and the most tangible representative of their rearing. Through my character, I want to be a person my loved can admire. Simply, I want to make them proud. Before this semester, character, to me, was never seen as something to work on for others. Beyond the approval of loved ones, the tragedy of the commons, we discussed in class made me reflect on my character relative to others. I should not have one set of rules regarding morality for myself, and expect others to adhere to a fixed moral code. If nothing else, I plan to be more cognizant of the way I treat others, because ultimately, we are all in this …show more content…

New ideas and ways to approach life’s and government’s biggest dilemmas, fascinate me. I have such more developed appreciation for thinkers who challenge themselves and their way of thinking. Philosophers like Kant or Arendt were the Beethoven’s of thought, and beyond my political theory class, I would never have received such a holistic exposure. Beyond appreciation, I found that there is no generalized approach to morals or ethics. Moreover, those individuals who never take a course in ethics usually don’t delve into the specifics on moral philosophy. What is there motivation to be moral or have good character? Religion aside, maybe it is just the subconscious idea that if we try and get along we can collectively make the world a better place. It may be naive but it makes humanity