Vision Of Society In George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four

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Vision of Society in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four Introduction Orwell 's pre-occupation with the social vision lends a distinctive flavour to his works like Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. As a social novelist, Orwell is less interested in man than in the society that has moulded him. So his characters exist as social animals and are indicated in terms of status, race, caste, tradition, and their place in the scheme is more important than what they in themselves are. Orwell 's novels prior to Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) present an openly anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist attitude from a liberal humanist stance. He has attacked in his novels, the dehumanizing influences of these systems rather than their exploitative aspects. Nineteen Eighty-Four rejects the alternative political model that claimed to be socialistic but which Orwell regarded to be in diametric contrast to his vision of a socialistic state. Orwell 's fictional works categorically reflect his social vision and his own point of view. …show more content…

The door for hope is still open. In the critique of capitalist set-up, Orwell gives the unmistakable impression that his ideological moorings are still intact. Even in the critique of the Soviet Union in Animal Farm, Orwell 's presents a utopian fantasy portraying the development of a state proclaimed as ideal one but becoming despotic and oligarchical. The seven commandments written on the wall of the farm just after the revolution provide a fair idea of the best life promised by