Vivie Essay

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On the other hand, Vivie challenges her freedom by challenging the traditional female role. Vive, as an educated woman, seeks for independence towards her freedom in opposition to the relationship Frank seeks out. By challenging Vive states her position as an independent woman when she explains, “I must be treated as a woman of business, permanently single and permanently unromantic” (Shaw 1822). Vivie seeks for her freedom when she prefers to take care of herself before committing to a relationship. Instead, Vive defies the traditional female role where she wants to have financial responsibility to assure her independence. Nevertheless, Vivie not only challenges Frank against her proposition to remain single, she proposes to take care of …show more content…

Warren’s Profession, Vivie challenges her mother against her role in society. Vive wants a separate lifestyle from her mother and not let her mother dictate her future. Mrs. Warren wants Vivie to follow the same path and take over her business with the purpose that Vivie has an opportunity to work with limited opportunities for women, even though Vivie already has a job for herself. Initially, Vivie challenges her mother to prove that there are multiple types of women, which Vivie suggests that she is able to take on a business for herself without influence of others. As Vivie challenge her mother, Mrs. Warren has trouble accepting Vivie’s opinion. For that reason, vivid compares herself to a poor women to demonstrate that, “Everybody has some choice, mother” (Shaw 1804). Vivie wants the choice to seek out a job to benefit herself instead her mother. Thus, Vivie challenges the female role through her behaviour when she tells her mother “I don 't want to be worthless” (Shaw 1827). She ultimately wants to have a purpose in society instead of others seeing her an object through her appearance. Similar to Monica, Vivie does not want her position in society to have a duty as a woman. Instead she explains “I must have work and must make more money then I spend. But my work is not your work” (Shaw 1828) to illustrate the difference between herself and her mother. Thus, Vivie challenges her mother by separating her mother and daughter relationship and prove her