
Vonnegut Tip Number Two Analysis

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In retrospect, Vonnegut was commentated in demonstrating majority of his tips in his writing. In the story, Vonnegut conveys tips numbers six, two, three, four, and eight. It has already been explained how tip number eight is shown at first glance in the story of 2 B R O 2 B. The author is very keen on presenting information to the reader. The first page is basically just background information about the society that the characters are placed in and about some of the characters themselves. No conflict or suspense is mentioned until the fourth page. Tip number four, “every sentence must do two things- reveal character or advance action”, is prominent throughout the story. Vonnegut’s sentences either reveal a character, “the woman had a lot of facial hair-an unmistakable mustache, in fact” (Vonnegut 3) or advanced action by implicating dialogue. …show more content…

By the author writing “not many people were born a day anymore” makes the reader feels as though there are a lot of babies die during birth in that society. With this notation in mindset, the reader would root for the birth of those three babies for Welhing. I did. Tip three, “every character should want something, even if it’s only a glass of water, an example of this tip is when “Wehiling waited {in the hospital} for his wife to birth” (Vonnegut 1). Wehiling wanted the birth of all three of his children, he even clarifies it for himself, “I want those kids. I want all three of them.” (Vonnegut 5). He also doesn’t want his grandfather to die, “I don’t want my grandfather to die either” (Vonnegut 5). Vonnegut shows tip six towards the end of the

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