
Voting Argumentative Analysis

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“Thinking isn’t agreeing or disagreeing. That’s voting.” Voting directly impacts the lives of those that do vote and even the lives of those that don’t. An example of which could be considered to be the 2015 federal elections. Despite some vouching for the conservatives many did not bother to go out and vote. Thereby, leading to the election of a majority liberal government. A government that one would not have preferred; however, would now have to deal with due to the lack of their interest in voting. Because voting is an action that impacts both our life and the life of the people around us.
Voting is a way for one to really express their opinions. Not only as individuals; however, as an entire country. Apart from paying taxes and watching what happens to that money over time there are not many ways in which many …show more content…

Because this is one of the most effective way in which people can secure their near future and what this near future is going to look like from at least a financial stand point. Evidence of which can be observed over the past 12 years through the constant re-election of the Harper government and its ability to maintain a strong economy through highs and lows. However, as they began to lose control over the economy this lead to the people losing faith in their government. Which ultimately lead to the downfall of the conservative government this year and the election of a new more pragmatic government known as the liberals. A party that only few years ago was just another election term away from liquidation. However, is now the party that run the country with a majority vote in the parliament. Proving that voting really puts the power within the hands of the people and how the 2015 elections were a prime example of it. With the liberals forming the majority government and the conservatives forming the opposition

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