Vygotsky's Social Development Theory

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principles that underlay Vygotsky’s social development theory. First of these is that there is a critical role that social interaction play in the cognitive development that has a connection to what is learned and when and how this learning happens. This principle states that learning takes place because of social interaction; therefore, if there is no self-awareness or understanding of signs and symbols that permit us to think in more complex ways, individuals will just follow what the situation allows them to happen and reacting directly to the environment. Second principle supplemented with this theory is the notion that there is a possibility that cognitive development is restricted to a certain time period. And finally, he stressed that the only way to realize how humans learn it to study learning in a situation where the manner of learning, instead of the outcomes of the learning, is being studied.
The effects of society and culture are dominant to social development theory. Vygotsky (1978) assumed that all advanced mental purposes must first be filtered through an external phase in the form of social incidences. They are then combined into an individual’s thinking through the use of language. This “dialectical discovery” (Wink & Putney, 2002) is an incessant process that becomes more and more complex over time. For that reason, all higher functions make as actual interpersonal relationships amongst individuals.
Constructivist Theory. Another theorist, in the person of