
Wajahat Ali's Inshallah Is Good For Everyone

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A phobia, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is an extremely strong dislike or fear of someone or something. Since the history of 9/11 terrorist attacks in the USA., a specific phobia has gripped in the Western population, which is Islamophobia. Many Americans grew up with the negative idea about Arabic speakers. However, Wajahat Ali’s “Inshallah is Good for Everyone,” published on April 22, 2016, in The New York Times shows a different perspective. Ali is a Pakistani American writer who was born in a Muslim family. After Ali finds Arabic speakers being treated extremely disrespectfully and discriminated in the US, he considered the motivation to write this article. He argues that Arabs or the Arabic language should not be seen as …show more content…

A young student who was talking to his uncle in the Arabic language was forced to leave his plane because a lady passenger blamed him for making a threatening comment. Ali says, “What he said on the phone right before the passenger expressed concern, he later explained, was the Arabic phrase ‘“inshallah,’ which translates to God willing.” According to the quote, a boy was pronouncing the Arabic word inshallah which is nothing threatening and indicates god willing. The English idiom “don 't judge a book by its cover" is a metaphorical phrase which means “you shouldn 't prejudge the worth or value of something by its outward appearance alone.” Ali argues this core principle through humorous tone that helps a reader to understand the purpose of writing. Throughout the essay, Ali also appeals to the mournful emotions of the audience by admitting that Arabic speakers are harmless. He says, “We’re encouraged by authorities to say something if we see something. Unfortunately, the toxic mix of fear, ignorance, and hate clouds the better judgment.” This outpouring of emotion from Ali conveys a calming tone showing how many Arabic speakers have suffered unaccepted difficulties without any reason. People are extremely aggressive and speak against the Arabic speakers through misunderstanding. They physically tortured them without any reason because of the toxic mix of anxiety, numbness, and hate that clouds their superior judgment. Throughout the article, Ali uses humorous tone to support his claim, and also he is disappointed because Arabic speakers are awfully treated in many

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