Walden: A Short Story

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In a cave lying on the southern border of the human country of "Walden", a group of twelve people clad in dark robes surround a farely large summoning circle and begin chanting. Off in the corner of the cave is a group of prisoners chained to the walls via cursed chains. Man, woman, elf, beastkin and children lay scatered about watching in horror as the red robed man unshackles another person and leads them into the center of the circle, slitting their throat without a second thought and using their blood to finish the circle. Twelve bodies lay in the center so far and each shackled person hopes the person next to them is the one to be taken. He slits the cattles throat and grabs his bowl. tilting the head of the woman back he places the bowl …show more content…

Quickly walking toward his brush and bowl he picks up the convulsing mess by the head and puts the bowl under it's chin, gathering a sufficient amount of paint. Nearly full the man smiles and continues his painting. A few minutes and few trips back to the child and he is done! Looking back at his creation he smiles. "Perfect! TAKE YOUR PLACES!" He screams in a deep, gravily voice. Instantly the eleven other robed persons stands apart and begins the chant. Almost instantly the circle begins to glow a rich blue in color as the bodies at the center begin to slowly disappear turning into the mana needed for the ritual. The red robed man begins to smile and a sinful smile creeps up on his face. Brighter and brighter the portal glows and the mans smile turns into a laugh. "COME DEVIL! DEMON! MONSTER! SMITE THE COMPLACENT, IDIOTIC GODS AND THE FOOLS THAT DARE WORSHIP THEM!" Each robed figure begins laughing as the ritual glows brighter and brighter until they are forced to shield their eyes. Until a loud almost explosive boom that causes all standing to get knocked to the ground. In the moments that follow the light fades to nothing leaving the cave a empty