
Wall Of Silence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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This must end
Reese Witherspoon once said: “There remains what seems like an impenetrable wall of silence around violence and we must all play a role in breaking this silence.” There are so many cases where rape and abuse are just shrugged off, but they are bigger deals than people think. In lots of cases, when people are raped or abused, their case is just set aside for later, or never looked at again. This is not fair because these people deserve the chance to let their voices be heard. Although there are laws against rape and abuse, it is still an issue that is more common than people realize.
Rape and abuse can be caused by lots of different things. A big cause, however, would be who people are seen with and who they hang out with. In …show more content…

Most people who struggle with rape and abuse keep quiet because they might feel embarrassed or afraid if someone were to find out. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Mayella struggles to lie to the judge and to Atticus because she is afraid that her father will hurt her even more (Lee 247-248).This is a perfect example of how people struggling don’t have the courage to tell others about their issues. Returning back to the quote in the beginning, there is a wall of silence from the people affected by rape or abuse. The world must do something to break down the wall, otherwise those who struggle will never find peace or happiness. Most of the time rape and abuse cases are not taken seriously. People don’t understand why it’s such a big issue and problem to deal with until they experience it themselves. However, they shouldn’t experience it for themselves. The world wants to put an end to rape …show more content…

They lose focus on others privacy and rights, and can only worry about fulfilling their own pleasures. The worst part of this whole issue is that women can get taken advantage of by strangers, and people they don’t even know. They may never be comfortable by themselves in a public place, for worry that men are watching them and waiting to make a move to hurt them. In a recent article published in the news, a woman is going on a run through a park. She stopped to use the restroom and was attacked, and attempted to be raped by a man hiding in the stall. Luckily, she had taken self defense classes a few weeks before, and was able to hold the man off until the police came (White n.pg).Women have the right to be scared for their safety when things like this happen to them. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Mayella is beaten by her father, and has even had children from him. You can tell that she is acting anxious, and nervous all the time. Scout thinks to herself, “Apparently Mayella’s recital had given her confidence, but it was not her father’s brash kind: there was something stealthy about hers, like a steady-eyed cat with a twitchy tail”(Lee 242). This is caused by her father’s actions. He beats her and makes her feel like she’s worth nothing. All he cares about is his own pleasures, and nothing about what he is putting his daughter through. Things like this happen to people all over the world,

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