Date Rape Effects

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Date rape continue to create conflicts throughout the nation. It has been going on for thousands of years and it should have been obstructed a long time ago. Facing date rape is very serious and many people do not understand how deeply it can affect the victim. It triggers the individual to do hurtful things that can impact his or her life forever. Date rape is a complete menacing and intolerable act that should be immediately prevented due to the troubling obstacles that individuals encounter.
The cause of date rape points to date rape drugs. Some individuals are given date rape drugs. Some of the drugs may include Rohypnol, Gamma Hydroxybutyric Acid (GHB), and Ketamine. Rohypnol will make the person feel very sleepy and confused and it also …show more content…

Others may believe the perpetrator suffer more than the victim. Believe it or not, both the victim and perpetrator can suffer the same amount. Everyone knows how horrible the victim might feel after being violated, but the perpetrators may have encountered conflicts in their lives as well. The perpetrator may have been raped as a child or recently, and copes with their situation by hurting someone else. Degrading the perpetrator would not make the situation better because no one has a perfect life and no one knows wat others go through. The perpetrator might have a mental problem or dominant ways that he or she cannot control. They feel the same pain the victims may feel. Instead of seeing them as being a nuisance to society, individuals should see them as a person willing to improve and make a change. Helping both the victim and perpetrator would essentially make the world a better place. Date rape is a traumatic experience to each individual who undergoes it, but it can also be a learning experience. It could impact an individuals life in a great way that no one could never think of. The experience can leave a profound effect and mold individuals into better …show more content…

It is not something that recently just start happening, it has been going on for many years. It should have been stopped a long time ago. Date rape drugs such as Ketamine, GHB, and Rohypnol and more, play an essential role involving the cause of date rape. The drugs take control of the body and performs horrendous effects. The consequences produce both physical and psychological effects that could leave the victim with infections or disorders. Date rape victims are left ashamed and full of fright. They do not know how to cope with life after they have been through a traumatizing situation. This could affect the perpetrator as well. The perpetrator could have once been a victim. There are many interventions and programs everywhere that could help both the victim and the perpetrator. Generating ways to prevent date rape would be very useful to anyone that could be in a situation of getting raped. Focusing on ways to stop this from happening would make a huge difference. It would also leave an impact on many individuals. Helping others solve a problem or get pass something so disturbing would be completely helpful because the same thing can happen to a relative or a close friend. Helping a friend or relative out could be one less rape bound to happen. Decreasing the number of rapes occurring would make this world a better