
Walt Whitman Analysis Essay

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Analyzing poems, short stories, novels, and plays are important because it encourages people and students to interpret why authors particularly wrote what they chose to. When composing a literary analysis, it should indicate the authors decisions when writing their work. In addition, the author of the literary analysis should attempt to explain the significance of the writing. On the other hand, one can write a literary analysis by viewing it from their own perspective. A literary review can consist of many different components, such as symbolism, theme, and genre. When a person reads Whitman’s poems, the majority of them are on a spiritual level, or they are based off of physical contact.
Quite a bit of Walt Whitman’s poems are written and based on his experiences that he had while the Civil War was taking place, which presented …show more content…

The time of Walt’s writing was in the beginning of the nineteenth century, this was a rough patch for the United States. Those that were residents of the nation often doubted if the country would survive through the war. This author had strong feelings for democracy, so the majority of the time he presented it through his writing. Considering the fact of the Civil War taking place, death was unfortunately a common occurrence. Walter directed some of his writing to focus on the cycle of life among individuals. This included birth, as they age and reproduce, and when they pass away. Describing transitions lives helped Walt publish more poems about the Civil War, which gave soldiers a meaning for what they do for the country. Aside from democracy, Whitman never wrote in a strange dialect. He used regional slang and never broadened his slang. Using this slang showed devotion towards the Civil War. This was a rough time for most American’s and Whitman gave them something to relate

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