Walter Baade And Fritz Zwicky: The Evolution Of Neutron Stars

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According to modern considerations, neutron star, it is star in the final stage of its evolution, which has no internal energy sources and consist mainly of neutrons in a state of Fermi gas with a small admixture of other particles. So, neutron stars - one of the most interesting stars in the Universe. First of all, they are the most compact stars whose masses range from 1,44 (Chandrasekhar limit) to 2 solar masses, despite the fact that they are extremely small radii, from 6 to 18 km. This value corresponds to the mass and radius of the enormous gravitational energy and gravitational acceleration on the surface. Because gravitational energy is a significant part of the rest energy stars, neutron stars is relativistic objects; space-time is significantly distorted inside them and near the surface. Neutron stars Density varies around the neutron density. A huge compression of these objects is provided by large gravitational forces and can not be reproduced on Earth. Because neutron stars are regarded as unique astrophysical laboratory super dense matter. It is assumed that the core of neutron stars are composed mainly of highly degenerate neutrons and protons and electrons mixed, although there are other particles (hyperons, quarks and etc.). …show more content…

Since the structure of neutron stars is the same, then there must be a constant radius of neutron stars reliance on its mass and in my work I deduce this