Walter White Archetype

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An archetype where life moves from one stage to another is considered a journey. This archetype can be separated into two different categories, western and eastern. Western journeys have a set destination they must reach and the series of events that are in order. Eastern journeys have no destination. They are series of happenings in no particular order, whatever happens is accepted for what it is. In Vince Gilligan’s television show Breaking Bad, the main character, Walter White, experiences an eastern style journey in his life as he battles cancer and tries to accumulate money to leave his family with. Walter White, also know as Walt, is a high school chemistry teacher and an assistant at his local car wash. At the beginning of season one of Vince Gilligan’s show Breaking Bad, Walter White is diagnosed with an inoperable lung cancer. Due to this cancer he abstains from working, therefore not being able to provide for his family. He is worried that he will rack up medical bills from his cancer treatment and leave nothing for his pregnant wife and disable son if he passes away. This aspect of his life is described by a journey archetype because he accepts his cancer for …show more content…

In addition to the lab, he offers to provide a new, more educated assistant named Gale. Walt agrees to comply with the plan to work in his facility. During production, Walt proves to Gustavo that he cannot be trusted. Gustavo feels like he should eliminate Walt and replace him with Gale to be the head chef of the meth lab. Walt catches on to this and acts quickly. He orders his former partner Jesse to go and kill Gale, in exchange he will offer Jesse to become his assistant in the new facility. This is a part of Walt’s journey that has led him to become a ruthless criminal, something he would not have been prior to joining the meth