Kennedy Vs Mccarthy

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“Me? What do you mean me? I’ve been named? This is an outrage!” Walt screamed. I sat with my hands in my lap, Walt’s eyes beamed on me, but I couldn’t stand to look him in the eyes. This was the first big accusation that I had witnessed. “This is a complete lie and you all know it.” He said, his voice as cold as ice. He stood for a moment, as if pondering the thought of him being accused. He then swept off all papers and notebooks, pens and pencils, of his desk in one grand movement. Walt slammed his fists into the desk and sat down with a heavy sigh. “I am Walt Disney. I am a role model to kids, families. I have a family. And for me to be accused? That takes some guts. That damned McCarthy has some guts.” “We all know it’s a lie, Walt. McCarthy