War Essay: The Negative Effects Of War

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The Negative Effects of War.
Flipping through the channels on the television, we will usually see the news involving a war occurring somewhere in the world. People will usually fight because of terrorism, over land and territory, and economic and political ideas. We are all so used to the image of people being massacred, murdered, and killed in front of our eyes that we see these brutal events without the slightest remorse; it becomes an everyday thing. War and violence is futile and does more harm to civilization than good.
To begin with, war can fuel child labor and force children into military forces. Rahimullah, a 15-year-old Afghan boy says that when his siblings “turn five, they start working... everyone works.” Because of the disaster caused from the war, children as old as five are already forced into a working position in armed areas. …show more content…

As many may think that war does better than bad, many victims die during the process of killing for survival. For example, during World War I, “Ten million soldiers died on all sides; millions more were left maimed or shell shocked. Seven million civilians died. 20 million horses died.” Explain how your quote supports your thesis statement. Statics from Statisticbrain shows that the grand total deaths of the U.S from nine major U.S war casualties are 1,343,812 deaths. The number of U.S wounded soldiers are 1,529,230 and the number of missing are 38,159 soldiers. As soldiers fight for several reasons, the number of deaths will increase overtime if countries use violence with violence. War is rather harmful than helpful if it means to kill innocent people as its cost. Because of the deaths of not only soldiers but also families, it rips families apart, destroys bonds, terminates love, and slays the very inception of happiness. If wars was labeled as a positive event, it would mean that killing is perfectly fine which in no way, is killing ever

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