War In Pat Carr's 'Death Of A Confederate Colonel'

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People don’t realize the things people do in war, until it actually happens.

Throughout the novella “Death of a Confederate Colonel” by Pat Carr, she

demonstrates how war can affect people’s lives for the worse. Saranell, Renny, and

her mother Geneva leave their hometown to try and survive the civil war while her

father is away, but the only parent Saranell gets is her servant, Renny. Saranell,

Renny, and Geneva they becomes experienced with these situations war-torn

situations. War brings out the worst in people.

Even though war is necessary, it can come with terrible actions and event as

well as greed. While Saranell and Geneva are in the cabin, a Confederate soldier

barges in. As he shrugged off the blue greatcoat, he …show more content…

While Saranell and Renny

were back in Gilead, they finished Opal Fisk to trade for food. "The child need

cornmeal, rice, whatever you can spare, sir,"He dismissed the countertop of silver.

"They ain't no call for resale plate." "It's all sterling," Saranell burst out (Carr 149).

Even though Opal Fisk has much to sacrifice, he is selfish and greedy toward those

in need of help. Whenever a war occurs, selfishness and greed always follows.

Finally, war is never something to wish for because all that follows is suffering.

In order to overcome war, sacrifices that bring out the worst in people must always

be made. Saranell and Renny encounter Union soldiers that need to “buy” their

horses. "We ain't stealing. Understand that we ain't taking your stock without pay." He

looked from Renny to Saranell. "We're offering twenty U.S. greenbacks for every

horse, missy, which seems to me a fair price.” (Carr 112). Although the soldiers paid

for the horses, Renny and Saranell are familiarized with the unfair actions exhibited

through war. Whatever is in a warzone, becomes fair game due to the horrible

atrocities that are committed in times of war.Tuvia Bielski is addressing hiding jews