War Of 1812 Essay Outline

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War of 1812 -mini project Q: List and explain the four causes of the war of 1812 A1: One of the causes of the war of 1812 is that France tried to prevent Britain from trading with other countries and Britain did the same with France. Other countries in Europe were drawn into the struggle. It had an extremely negative impact on the United States, which had a lot of merchant ships. Long-term causes blended with immediate ones. A2: Another cause was British warships made American merchant ships stop and get inspected. In some cases, they found British seamen on board. The British captured them and forced them to work on British warships. This was called impressment, it was only legal of the sailors were British deserters. However …show more content…

His family was rich, but he was the 8th son in the family. He could expect from his father’s estate, so at the age of 15, he joined the army and remained a soldier all his life. He served the West Indies and Europe, where Britain and France were fighting wars to become the most powerful nation in the world. In 1802, Brock regiment was posted to Lower Canada, where he spent much time building Quebec City’s defences. He became the commander of the defences of Montreal in 1810. Later that year he got promoted to major General and was sent to Upper Canada to take charge of the whole colony's defence. Brock realized that it would be easier to defend against the Americans of they had the cooperation of the First Nations. The First Nations also wanted to see the Americans clearday, so they became partners. The Americans captured Queenston heights in October 1812. Brock lead his troops out of near by Fort George, and attempted to recapture the heights. During this time Brock wore his best uniform which identified him as commander officer. An American sniper shot him in the chest and he died. Brock died a hero in the battle. His leadership eventually did lead to the recapture of the heights. Without the efforts of people such as Brock in the war of 1812, Upper Canada might easily have become part of the …show more content…

Tecumseh was one of their leaders. Tecumseh was the chief of the Shawnee people. His father was killed in 1774 during one of the wars between the British and First Nations. During the American revolution many Shawnee villages were destroyed. Tecumseh realized to survive such attacks all the First Nations would have to work together. In 1809, 10 000 square kilometers were sold to the United States by First Nations in Indiana. Tecumseh opposed to this deal. He said:No tribe has the right to sell, even to each other, much less strangers… Sell a country! Why not sell the air, the great sea,as well as the earth? Didn’t the great spirit make them all for the use of is children. His anger increased in 1811, when an American army destroyed all Shawnee villages in the area. This is when Tecumseh decided to make an alliance with the British. The British were happy to have Tecumseh on their side so they made him brigadier-general in their army. In 1813,the Americans won a naval victory on Lake Erie, which made the British and First Nations troops go back to Upper Canada. The Americans followed them and won the battle of Moraviantown. The British and First Nations were severely beaten up. During the battle Tecumseh was killed, with his loss he also lost his leadership and the hearts of his friends. They surrendered to the Americans later in Detroit. The American Government

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