
Tecumseh Thesis

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Of course, that was not the result of it because the white men just wanted their land and Tecumseh noticed that “those who want all, and will not do with less. The white people have no right to take the land from the Indians, because they had it first,” so Tecumseh could not trust the white man because they just wanted to take only what was given to Shawnee, and they would attempt to take even more.
Born in 1768, Tecumseh was a famous Indian leader who was the first Indian diplomat both among his own people and with the white men, he was chief of the Shawnee tribe. Tecumseh decided at that time to become a warrior and defend his land and people. The Shawnee tribe joined with British forces during the American Revolution. In 1808, Tecumseh …show more content…

That was broken because Thomas Jefferson and other settlers were taking land from the Native Americans which broke the treaty. This made the Native Americans not trust them. The Shawnee took action, and they united various tribes. Under the command of Tecumseh, Chief of the Shawnee, he had a vision of uniting the tribes against the Americans. In 1809, Tecumseh went off to recruit more, Harrison assembled the leaders of Potawatomi, Miami, and Delaware tribes to negotiate and he obtained 3 million acres for 2 cents per acre known as the Treaty of Fort Wayne. Harrison marched an army of 1,000 men toward Prophet’s Town. Tecumseh was temporarily out of the area on a recruiting, but his brother prepared the men for battle. In 1811, Harrison’s soldiers were attacked. After the battle, the Indians had killed 62 Americans and had 40 Indian men die and they were also forced to flee. The Americans won the battle of Tippecanoe, but Tecumseh arrives mad and he is ready to make war against the United States. Tecumseh again joins with the British troops fighting against the Americans. Before the War of 1812, Congress set up the War Hawks to justify the attacks with Britain and to bring an end to impressment. It was not until, the War of 1812, where Congress declared war on Great Britain in order to put an end to their “lust …show more content…

However, why should the people vote for someone who they cannot trust? Trust between the Native Americans and Americans was always violated with just promises and never actual agreements. Which only led to conflicts between to different groups and even countries. In this article published on Politico Magazine, it mentions that Hillary should examine both the success of her husband and the failure of his vice president, Al Gore. Hillary Clinton begins her convention in a directive and stronger shape than what her husband had done when he did his. Bill may be someone who is very political but he did not do as well as should have in the convention in June 1992, polling below 30 percent and ruining him with the news of the love affair just put him in terrible position. All the pressure was going through Hillary after all she had her struggles with perceptions of untrustworthiness, because of the emails and other things. So Hillary had to stand up and fight through this to prove she is not giving up. Something Hillary should avoid is Al Gore’s well-scripted convention that gave a false sense of unity. In the summer convention of 2000, he was feeling pressured after he hit a low percent. Hillary and Bill Clinton had secrets that made them look like untruthful people, but they managed to work around that. For Al Gore, he was just an untruthful vice

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