Women's Role In The War Of 1812

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As we look into chapter 10, there is a lot of discussion regarding James Madison and the War of 1812 had strong and weak aspects. It also had a different status of women and how their involvement in the war was significant than before. The War of 1812 was mostly taking place along the Canadian border. The War of 1812 emerged when Indian conflicts in the old Northwest had gotten worse and created a wider conflict with Britain. Although women could still not vote and the politics were left for the men, they found other ways to be involved. More so, with political functions is where high -class women really rose. Dolley Madison was known to many as the ‘presidentress’ throughout America for her balancing role between queenliness and republican openness. When it came to women on top of the social class, they were able to work their class into gaining some part into the political process. Women like …show more content…

It did leave Tecumseh- Indian Chief- furious and made his mark on war against Americans. New Congress were able to gain many young Republicans from the West and South as War Hawks- Young men newly elected to the Congress of 1811 who were eager for war against Britain in order to end impressments, fight Indians, and expand into neighboring British territory- who would approve major defense expenditures, and the army soon tripled in size. However, the war was not as victorious as planned. The war lasted more than two years, Canada never fell, and it showed how unprepared America were for war. Many of the laws that were intact were not fulfilled by the citizens. New England States were slow ti raise more troops, Certain New England merchants still carried an illegal trade with