War Of 1812 Outline

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- On to Canada Over Lands and Lakes - The War of 1812 was an extremely controversial issue. - The general New England area was against it. - The majority of the rest of the country supported it. - The Americans, with ideas of even more land in their mind, tried to attack Canada again. - The attack was extremely disorganized and they were defeated. - They also attacked Detroit and Niagara, but were defeated each time. - Following a string of defeats, they had some victories. - They won a battle in Lake Erie thanks to the construction of some ships. - Tecumseh was defeated and killed at the Battle of the Thames. - The heroics of Thomas MacDonough effectively saved New York from the British. - Washington Burned and New …show more content…

- Infrastructure was to be heavily improved. - They knew that transportation had to be improved. - This plan was rejected when federal money was requested. - The So-Called Era of Good Feelings - In 1816, two major political developments occurred. - James Monroe was voted into presidency. - The Federalist Party officially disappeared, leaving only one political party. - This time was known as The Era of Good Feelings because of political singularity and strong nationalistic feelings. - Still, there were some concerns and conflicts over some governmental policies between the North and the South. - The Panic of 1819 and the Curse of Hard Times - The Era of Good Feelings was limited by economic issues. - Over-speculation was a major problem that led to bankruptcies, failed companies, and major socioeconomic problems. - In the 1800s, there was an almost regular pattern of economic panics. - The amount of debtors increased dramatically as well. - Growing Pains of the West - More and more colonies were being established in the West (nine more in the …show more content…

- The control of Oregon would remain ambiguous. - There was also the territorial dispute in Florida. - The possession of Florida had changed very often. - Andrew Jackson took control once more. - America was able to by Florida for $5 million. - The Menace of Monarchy in America - In Europe, monarchies were gaining power once more. - As a result, Americans were worried about a potential ideological spread. - The Russians still had a presence in America, as did the British. - The British tried to keep the Americans out of Latin America. - Monroe and His Doctrine - Adams was wary about agreeing to the English’s proposal because American interests might necessitate claiming Latin American land and the British would be able to control trade regardless. - As European powers continued to try to gain influence over the Americans, Monroe issued a doctrine that would effectively define American foreign policy for a century. - Monroe’s Doctrine established that the Europeans would stay out of America. - As for the Americans, Monroe stated that they would not get involved in European political affairs. - Monroe’s Doctrine