Warren Buffet Talent Pipeline Essay

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I believe Warren Buffet captures the signficance and value of a global workforce. “Americans have combined human ingenuity, a market system, a tide of talented and ambitious immigrants, and the rule of law to deliver abundance beyond any dreams of our forefathers," Warren Buffett wrote in his annual letter to his shareholders.

Moreover, I think it’s important to remember what is strategic HR? And, what this really impacts – an organization’s talent pipeline. As stated in Armstrong, "The fundamental aim of strategic HRM is to generate strategic capability by ensuring that the organization has the skilled, committed and well-motivated employees it needs to achieve sustained competitive advantage." [© Kogan Page - Armstrong's Handbook of …show more content…

So, why limit your talent? The changes an organization faces continue to occur faster and faster each year, which requires an organization to recruit, and acuqire the best talent available. Doesn’t this become a talent management issue? Also, will companies relocate to Canada or other countries where a company can aquire the talent, which will support their business drivers and achieive their strategies?
I know this may drift a little more to the economoics side of a discussion, but I thought the following quote from Jeremy Robbins, the Executive Director of New American Economy, stated how important foreign workers are to the U.S. economy. “We want to protect American workers and we want to create jobs but there are lots of industries, I think, we have a $100 billion agriculture industry and the reality is there simply aren’t enough Americans that do those jobs. That’s true if you look at some other industries as well. No industry exists in a vacuum. If you can’t find the right worker to pick the crops and pick the fields, you don’t have shippers, you don’t suppliers, you don’t have jobs at the port, you don’t have manager jobs. Our economy is interconnected and so if we can be smarter about getting a more diverse workforce, filling in gaps at the low and high skilled end, we can actually help and create more American