
Warren's Objection To The Abortion Debate

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Abortion is controversial issue, which is debated around the world. People have different views of reason why, it should be permissible or impermissible. Abortion is topic that challenges the ideals of many people’s views. The specific view that is going to be discussed is the Warren and the infanticide objection argument. This argument implies having an abortion should be permissible, but it holds a moral objection to abortion. Since abortion has been a very controversial issue in our country for the past couple of decades. Several people argue that when a woman gets an abortion, she is taking away a life. The guilt and sorrow that comes along with having an abortion is very challenging. But who is anyone to tell anyone, what to do with his or her body and life. However, I think that abortion can be seen as a form of taking away an innocent life, it is important to take into reason that some circumstances leave some women with no other option to have the abortion. So in general, I think there is nothing wrong with women getting abortions because it is their own body, their life, and ultimately their choice. …show more content…

This brings up the distinction between a “person” and “biological human ”. This means before a woman gives birth to a baby, she has a biological embryo inside her womb. Which makes the point that the embryo has right to have a conscious. This conscious that baby have can be able to feel pain and emotion. Warren does not claim that the embryo has a right to live because it’s not a person, therefore a person has a right to live, which it has a right to

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