Was The Mexican War Justified Essay

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Was the United States Justified in Going to War With Mexico? People fight for what they want or think is right and out of this comes war, a conflict between two groups of people that can be held responsible for numerous people’s deaths. It was 1846 and the U.S. saw Texas as a future part of their country but at that time it was Mexico’s land. Polk was president and believed in the manifest destiny which was a belief that the U.S. should own all the land in that continent They wanted to fight for it and this led to the war known today as the Mexican War, but people in Mexico call it the U.S. Invasion. The U.S. was supportive of the idea of going to war with Mexico and only two out of forty-two men in the Senate disagreed with going to …show more content…

if desired. Texas wanted to gain freedom from Mexico and they won. “Texans won their independence from Mexico in 1836.” (Roden 317). Texans had disagreed with how Mexico governed their country and decided to do what other than fight for their freedom. After they won independence they wanted to become part of the U.S. but this took some time for them to do. Texas tried three times to become part of their country and for almost a decade, they remained their own country (Roden 317). Congress was the one who made this decision and was not allowing them to be annexed. Around the time James Polk won the presidency, Congress finally decided to allow Texas to become part of the U.S. When it was time for Texas to be annexed, O’Sullivan made a speech and said: “Texas is now ours.” (O’Sullivan 323). America could not have made it any more clear that Texas was now theirs, so Mexico should respect that. Along the way of Texas becoming its own country, they also said that the Rio Del Norte was the boundary that separated them from Mexico (Polk 325). When Mexico lost their land, they would have known what part of their land was Texas, but when the U.S. won Texas, they were still going on their land as if it was their own. This evidence shows the U.S. was justified in going to war because Texas had won its independence so it could make its …show more content…

was justified in going to war with Mexico because they needed the land, Texas had been its own country, meaning it could make its own decisions, and Mexico attacked the U.S. America had been a new country so it had a yearly growing population and they also had a belief of taking over a certain part of land which included Texas. Also, when Texas became its own country, Mexico was mad at Texas and the U.S. but it wasn’t their fault they wanted to join the U.S. Mexico had also fought Texas, which had now joined the U.S. so Mexico should have expected for Americans to fight back but seemed surprised when they did. All in all this topic is important because changed the relationship with Mexico and the U.S. but not for the better. There are Mexicans even today who still feel sour towards Americans after the conflict of the two countries since they feel their land was