
Was The Reign Of Terror Justified Essay

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TITLE Was the Reign of Terror Justified?
The reign of terror was the bloodiest part of the French Revolution. The French Revolution was a point in time in the late 1790s for France when they wanted to start over again by getting rid of their king at the time, King Louis the XVI. It started when Louis began to neglect the people of the third estate who after weeks and months of dying of starvation finally decided to storm the castle. It ended when the leader of the revolution, Maximilien Robespierre, was executed for continuing the Reign of Terror. Over 40,000 people were killed by the Reign of Terror. The Reign of Terror was not justified because King Louis XVI was dead for over a year by this point and his family was also killed. It made …show more content…

This proves that most of these killings were not out of protection of the revolution but rather were instead the coal used to keep the train of death going. It had been a year since King Louis XVI’s death and the bodies just kept piling up. Maximilien Robespierre is the man behind the continuation of the Reign of Terror and was even the one who held King Louis XVI’s head after the execution to show the French people. He started off with good intentions but ultimately let the power get to his head. He even ended up killing his own friends via the guillotine. It was through his fear of enemies that more and more people were blamed for treason and were executed. He was finally stopped when the people grew to fear him too much. The Reign of Terror was not justified because King Louis XVI was already dead. The Reign of terror should have ended soon after King Louis’s execution. France had just gotten rid of its main problem and had even gotten new land where they could grow wheat for bread. So why continue killing suspected enemies? Robespierre always had a fear of being attacked by an enemy so he would kill anyone he saw as a threat. This shows what fear can do to even the greatest of people with the purest intentions. Robespierre let his fear corrupt him and that led to the Reign of Terror lasting way longer than it should have. Do not

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