Was Thomas Jefferson The Wisest And Overall Best President?

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Today as high school students, we must know our presidents. While studying all our presidents, there is always one president that sticks out to a student. The president that I think was the wisest and overall best president is Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States of America and he was one of our founding fathers. Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743 in Shadwell, Virginia and was a Christian deist. His mother was Jane Randolph and she was from a wealthy family; she claimed she was a descendant from the kings of Scotland and England. Thomas Jefferson wasn’t an only child, he was one of nine children in his family; only five of them lived passed their 30’s. Thomas Jefferson was one of the most …show more content…

Jefferson was not known as a person with great public speaking skills, but what he was known for was his writing. Jefferson was gifted with writing and at the age of 33, he was asked to draft the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important signed documents in our country. Although John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston helped write the document, Thomas Jefferson wrote the initial Declaration of Independence. It explained why the 13 colonies wanted to be free of the British rule and the detail of individual rights and freedoms; this was adopted on July 4, 1776. In the fall of 1776, Thomas Jefferson resigned from the Continental Congress and he was re-elected to the Virginia House of Delegates. One of Jefferson’s most significant achievements of his career was when he wrote the Virginia lawmakers that was passed in 1786. Jefferson later served as a governor of Virginia from 1783 to 1784, then he worked his way up and he was later advocating for the bill of rights, and the presidential term limits. The part that is most interesting is what was his interest on becoming a …show more content…

He enjoyed his garden in Monticello where he planted many vegetables. He really liked tomatoes which he ate a lot of; many people back in his day thought they were poisonous and did not dare eat them. He also invented the macaroni machine which rolled out pasta dough. He loved different cuisine and while in France he brought a French chef back to the U.S. with him, so he could enjoy different foods. He also invented The Great Clock, which was huge and had a gong on it that was said to be heard from three miles away clearly. A few of his other inventions were the swivel chair, wheel cipher, and dumbwaiter to name a