Essay On The Effects Of Pollution On Earth

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We can identify several types of pollution on Earth: water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution.
1.5.1 Water Pollution
Earth is the only planet in the solar system blessed with a liquid medium for life to evolve in. We hold the oceans within us, both physically and mentally. So vast are the oceans that they take up almost 71% of the entire surface of the globe (139 million square miles). The ocean basins hold at vast quantity of water, over 285 million cubic miles of water (1185 million cu. km.). The oceans are the largest repositories of organisms on the planet, with representatives from all phyla from the obvious large whales, fish, corals, to the microscopic bacteria in 100-1,000,000 cells per cubic centimeter. Living organisms …show more content…

Although it often causes discomfort and sometimes pain, noise does not cause ears to bleed and noise-induced hearing loss usually takes years to develop. Noise-induced hearing loss can indeed impair the quality of life, through a reduction in the ability to hear important sounds and to communicate with family and friends. It can effect on hearing problems, health issues such as psychological health, sleeping disorders, cardiovascular issues and even they can affect wildlife …show more content…

However, little attention was paid until the beginning of this century to combat the lethal effects of industrial and domestic pollutants. Pollution of environment may be air, water, and soil caused by gaseous and other effluents from industries which are usually released into the soil or rivers. These in time can cause enormous harm to man, animal and vegetation. The universal concern against pollutants in the environment was first expressed at the United Nations Conference on Human Environment held in 1972 at